Blog #3: Starting the figure out the curriculum.
Proposed a layout for the general public to learn ROS 2 on the Create® 3 robot.
Determined milestones for the class to meet throughout the term which includes potential project ideas for each milestone.
Took info from Mural and transferred it to the website.
Made sure our documentation aligns with Fair Use Rules.
Finished the penalty kick example which is another complex action file.
Within the penalty kick example, figured out how set set parameters in a different node, which allows us to safety override.
Did the penalty kick hackathon which took advantage of the multi-action client files.
Wrote multiple extra python files to use on the playground which take advantage of different capabilities on the Create® 3 robot.
Wrote a README in the Python Playground folder which explains the confusing aspects of the python syntax used.
Provided comments and instructions on the python playground files.
Had Kat Allen go through our documentation to set up ROS 2 so we could revise accordingly.
Connected a controller to the vm via usb (but not with the robot).
Wrote two "jousting" files that avoid barrels in two ways - one using the IR sensors and one using the bumpers.